The Audytel research valuesthe total Polish telecommunications marketin2010at46.56 billion, whichrepresents an increase ofapproximately 1.2% as compared to 2009.Newinthe latest edition of thereportisthe inclusion of the pay televisionmarket (satellite and cable).
10 years after the burst of Internet bubble it is the Internet services and value added service that pull the telecommunication industry out of a crisis. Audytel research report: „The status and prospects of development of the telecommunications market in Poland until 2015”, December 2010 edition, shows the most up-to date market data s well as forecasts of the development of market sub-segments for the next 5 years.
Another year in a row telecom operators in Poland – both fixed and mobile – are faced with falling revenues from voice services. The main reason for the mobile voice market erosion were wholesale price (MTR) reductions in previous years and the delayed response of the retail market demand. Mobile subscribers had no enough time to respond adequately with increased demand to the substantial decline in retail prices (13% year-over-year on average). Fixed-line telephony, the second largest segment of the telecommunications market, has also contributed to a decline in voice revenues, which is no surprise given the ongoing trend of the decline in the number of fixed subscriber lines by almost 10% (YoY). The dynamic development of broadband Internet services and pay television services allowed, however, the total market to recover from the 2009 low to the level close to the 2008 value. The precentage increases in revenues from fixed-line Internet access and data transmission were substantial – 5.9% and 5.1% respectively – but these segments represent still a small share in the Polish telecommunications market which could not offset completly the decline in revenues from voice services.